1. I'm tall-5'11 3/4"...but let's call it 6,' it's so much easier to say.
2. I just got the worst dye job ever on my hair, and while that's not really big news...it's all I can think about right now. You can call me "Mahogany" now.
3. I take little inconsequential things like 'hair' and pour all of my stress and fear and loathing from all of the truly consequential things in my life into them...bad hair=bad life.
4. Food is very important to me-the flavors, the textures, the colors, the combinations, sauces and batters and glazes and shapes and smells...
5. Love words...learning how to use them effectively.
6. Don't have tv, have the unit but no reception and refuse to pay for cable just to get rid of the blue screen...so I have very little to talk about with most people.
7. My son hates that we don't have television and I'm proud that I've held out for 3 years.
8. I have a ten year old son.
9. I am divorced.
10. I grew up in Southeastern Massachusetts in a neighborhood that was an Indian Burial Ground before all of the houses were built.
11. My childhood neighborhood was and still is haunted.
12. When I was six I did a cartwheel on the sidewalk on Easter Sunday and impaled my upper lip on the corner of the open Pea Green Vega passenger door. I only needed a butterfly stitch.
13. When I was five a neighbor boy and I pretended we were conductors on a train with a set of gradating overturned Adirondack chairs. He weighed about fifteen pounds less than me so when I sat where he had sat, I dumped the chair and myself over and landed on my arm and broke it. My mom thought I was faking and made me take a nap for two hours. When I regained consciousness my arm was twice its normal size and we rushed to the ER.
14. I can hyper extend that arm now so that when I extend it to the side, the forearm hangs down from the elbow at an unnatural angle.
15. I made a spectator throw up with that hyperextention when I was a basketball cheerleader in Junior High.
16. I made the Jr. High Cheerleading squad because I yelled the cheer as loud as I possibly could and they needed the lungs. "There's a team on the left-there's a team on the right-the team on the right is ready to fight. The team on the left's got lots of pep, but we're the team that knows the step," Whoooo. Goooooooooo Spartans.
17. I just wanted the saddle shoes.
18. I'm very gassy and I taught my son to talk in Burpese.
19. Most of the adults in my life are unhappy about #18.
20. I have 3 cats: Puck and Luna (brother and sister...brother has an overactive anal gland...so depressing) and Oliver who likes to put thumbtacks in all of my shoes, repeatedly. It's an obsession. He also knows how to turn on the burners to the stove.
21. I keep my stove burners in a drawer.
22. I make amazing soups of all kinds.
23. I have a huge zit on my chin right now and I'm panicking that it won't be gone in time for my sister's wedding in two weeks-at which I am the maid of honor...
24. I'm having another piece of chocolate right now to make myself feel better.
25. I'm addicted to lip stuff...Burts Beeswax Lip Balm is my favorite. I love how pepperminty tingling it is. I keep a tube in every room and in my bag and in my car.
26. I use a headset on my cordless phone.
27. I love having cable modem...so I can surf and chat at the same time.
28. I suck at math-and consequently at money. Maybe they aren't related and I just suck at both independently.
29. I have huge credit card debt since the divorce.
30. I work as a graphic designer for a "major weekly newsmagazine."
31. I'd rather be baking bread and writing.
32. I live in upstate NY and commute to NYC and am soooo ready for that to not be my reality anymore.
33. I make an incredible Cosmopolitan and have a thing for expensive tequila.
34. I'm on the wagon this week so #33 doesn't much matter.
35. I like wasabi green peas.
36. I miss having a garden.
37. I'm terrified of heights and sometimes fall down when I get too close to the windows at work. I'm on the 24th floor. It's not unheard of for a coworker to walk by and say "There she goes again."
38. I have a pretty good relationship with my mother and can speak my truth to her most of the time.
39. My father on the other hand...
40. I don't believe in having favorites of anything...that can seem duplicitous at times.
41. If you ask me I'll tell you, but it'll take a hell of a lot longer if you wait for me to bring it up.
42. I can spin, knit and weave...but seldom have time for any of those things.
43. I'm paying to blog, but haven't quite figured out why yet.
44. The one thing I always wanted to do with my life was to write...and now I'm doing it almost every day.
45. I've never been alone-that is, without a significant other...ever. Except when I was a little kid, of course.
46. I'm not entirely sure, but I might be a tad uncertain of myself.
47. I didn't think I'd be able to reach 50 things, but the facts are still flowing...
48. I don't drink enough water in the winter.
49. I don't see the point of sex toys.
50. Kissing rules.
51. Kissing someone I probably shouldn't be consumes...not that that's happened anytime recently...
52. I take a lot of baths, and someday hope to have a monster tub that 4 people can fit in all for myself. Then I won't mind being alone. At all.
53. Care to dance?
54. I don't get pop music. I can see how it could be applied as a torture device, however.
55. My favorite candies: Haribo brand gummy bears and Old Fashioned Fire Balls
56. I'd like to run the ribbon candy making machine just once.
57. I have a mouth full of fillings.
58. When I was a kid my sister and I would come home from school and whip up a big ass bowl of frosting-the kind made with shortening...and eat it as a snack with a spoon.
59. I got worms once.
60. I'm one of those obnoxious women who must describe childbirth in detail to anyone who asks...or sometimes who doesn't...because I'm still so fucking angry that EVERYONE LIED TO ME about it.
61. I'm good with plants, my philodendron wraps all the way around my living room in two directions.
62. I wish I could sing well. I can't.
63. I'm 35. Tick, tick, tick.
64. I'm always waiting for something to happen.
65. I'm learning how to make things happen.
66. No matter where I go, there I always am.
67. Wow. I'm up to 67.
68. I realize that 67 was another form of me hiding...must be about to say something really deep and important.
69. I have a hard time telling everything that's true for me to the people I love, particularly the man...for the irrational fear of being annihilated.
70. Yup. 68 was true.
71. I never exercise anymore and I miss it.
72. I can't seem to get myself up on that cross of motherhood.
73. I worry that this makes me a bad mother.
74. I think it's important that my mother had me when she was 17.
75. I had my son when I was 25.
76. Age does not maturity make.
77. I have too many things and they get away from me too easily, which means my things own me.
78. I have to drive a midsize car to be comfortable and happy.
79. I only got stopped once in 19 years of driving.
80. I'm a flirt.
81. That didn't help me with the speeding ticket at all.
82. I can't use a palm pilot-I'm a paper person.
83. I don't like holidays. Couldn't we just have a big dinner for no reason instead?
84. I curse like a trucker, motherfucker.
85. One of my son's first full sentences was "Oh, fuck it!"
86. I'm proud enough of that fact to repeat it.
87. I wish I had been homeschooled.
88. I wonder if I can still tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.
89. I can't be politic. I can only find the energy to work on my tiny corner of the universe.
90. I tried macrobiotics but was saved from collapse by a blood rare roast beef sandwich with horseradish and red onion.
91. I got married for all the wrong reasons, and I'm still sorry I hurt him.
92. Where can I get a banana cream pie immediately?
93. I might have to do a 200 things about me list here...
94. I have incredibly metaphoric dreams.
95. Whenever some big change is about to happen in my life I dream about losing my teeth.
96. I'm watching and waiting for a damned tooth dream here...
97. I'm finally getting to know my little brother.
98. I am learning to choose grace and peace in my life.
99. I am learning to take care of myself.
100. I will be more honest.